Zoltan Paulinyi
Professor - Violin - Viola - Gregorian
— For 22 years teaching music —
Send SMS Phone: +55(61)986.534.811 <
On-line classes: I teach you reading and writing Gregorian Chant. Knowledge of Latin is NOT required. Price per minute of SKYPE connection: please contact Dr Paulinyi (+55.61)986.534.811 , Paulinyi@yahoo.com.
Objective: practice of sung prayer to experience the Gregorian chant. In Brasília, weekly classes/lessons of 75 minutes for adults, youth, children.
Time: on Thursdays at 7:00 - 8:10 p.m.
Place: CLN 114 North Wing, Brasília, DF, Brazil. CEP 70764-520.
Enroll now: please contact Dr Paulinyi (+55.61)986.534.811 , Paulinyi@yahoo.com.
Monthly fee: € 90 paid in advance.
Sponsorship: make monthly donations to support talented students. Sponsors are remembered constantly in our prayers.
Children sing with our Polyphonic Choir.
This Gregorian Chant choir is the main section of the Schola Cantorum Brasília SCB.
Prof. Zoltan Paulinyi, doctor degree by the University of Évora, where he was fellow of the Bento de Jesus Caraça Program. Winner of the National Young Soloists' Competition at the Universidade Federal de Goiânia 2002. Trophy Pró-Música "Outstanding musician" by the Press Critics in Minas Gerais State, 1998. Director of the Schola Cantorum Brasília. Violinist of the National Theatre Symphonic Orchestra since 2000. Winner of the National Young Soloists' Competition at the Universidade Federal de Goiânia 2002. Trophy Pró-Música "Outstanding musician" by the Press Critics in Minas Gerais State, 1998.
Related link: http://paulinyi.blogspot.com.br/2013/08/curso-de-musica-e-canto-gregoriano-para.html
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