Zoltan Paulinyi
Professor - Violin - Viola - Gregorian
— For 22 years teaching music —
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SPES means "hope" in Latin, the second theological virtue. Duo SPES is considered "excellent" by Dr K.Houston, president of the Society for the Musicology in Ireland, 2012.
Duo SPES started in 2006 with bassoonist Iracema Simon and violinist/composer Zoltan Paulinyi, who also plays on rare viola pomposa with a proper set up for the current repertoire.
Duo SPES shows Brazilian new concert music within its international context. Its repertoire highlights pieces of Villa-Lobos, Paulinyi, Lorenzo Fernandez, Pixinguinha, relating them to J.S.Bach, Mozart, Bochmann.
Duo SPES made its début in Europe in January of 2008, premiering Paulinyi's piano-trio in Spain (Madrid and Béjar), France (Maison du Brésil and Villa-Lobos hall in Paris), in Budapest (Hungary) and London (UK) with invited pianist Marco Aurelio Brescia. SPES recorded "CD Images" released in August 2008, finishing the year with a documentary broadcasted by TV Senado. The recording was released in Portugal at the New University of Lisbon in February 2010, a concert sponsored by the Brazilian Ministry for Culture and presentation by Dr. Mário Vieira de Carvalho, Portugal State Secretary for Culture 2005-2008.
In 2009, SPES took part in Mozart Festival in Poznán and Dobrzyca (Poland), and played in London with invited pianist Álvaro Siviero with full sponsorship by Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Relations. In 2011, Duo SPES expanded its concerts through Europe, starting in Portugal with a concert for the Epiphany at Holy Spirit Church in Évora, at the Music School of Pozuelo de Alarcón (Spain), 3 concerts in Porto (Teatro Rivolli) and one in Lisbon (Centro Cultural Malaposta/Odivelas).
Thanks to our sponsors. We pray for their intentions.
Avenida Palace Hotel de Lisboa (2011), Hotel Corinthia de Lisboa (2011), Secretaria da Cultura do Governo do Distrito Federal - Orquestra Sinfônica do Teatro Nacional Claudio Santoro (2010-), Ministério da Cultura do Brasil & Universidade Nova de Lisboa (2010), Ministério das Relações Exteriores (2008, 2009), Quarteto BlauKamara (2009-2010), Nyári Duo (2009).
Iracema Simon, from Brasília, holds a License in Music by University of Brasília (UnB, 2009), where she was a researcher and teacher of the Program "Music for children" supervised by Prof. Dr. Ricardo Dourado Freire (2005-2007) and coordinated the recorders section in 2006 and 2007. She received scholarship from PIBIC to develop the research on "Solmization in Musical Performance" (2005-2007). Currently she undertakes a master degree on performance of the bassoon at the University of Évora since 2010 at the class of Prof. Eduardo Sirtori. Her musical studies started at 7 at the Brasília Music School (EMB), at the classes of bassoon players: Flávio Lopes, Gustavo Koberstein and Cristina Porto. She was treinee at the "I International Winter Festival of Brasília" 2005, taking masterclasses with bassoonist Alexandre Silvério (OSESP).
In 2008, she made her international début with SPES in Spain, France, Hunary and England, including a concert in Araripe for the II Festival of Early Music, and in Juazeiro do Norte for releasing the CD Images. She returned to Europe in 2009 (England and Poland) and in 2010 (New University of Lisbon). She is one of the founders of the Lignea Quartet and its National Composition Competition 2010, whose award is scheduled to the Saint Benedictine Monastery in July 2011. She plays on a Bell's Bassoon.
Zoltan Paulinyi, from Belo Horizonte, is violinist, composer and teacher, recognized by the press as a player possessing "complete mastery of the violin" and "an extraordinary capacity to endeavor complex works" (Jornal Hoje em Dia, 10/28/2010). He was awarded the first prize at the "Bento de Jesus Caraça 2011/2012 Program" for his research in composition at the University of Évora sponsored by the State National Theatre Symphonic Orchestra (Brasília), where he is violinist since 2000, principal of violas in 2009, principal of first violins in 2007 and part of 2010.
As a composer, Paulinyi was the first Brazilian to premiere abroad and broadcast a Brazilian opera "Library", 120 years after Carlos Gomes. Paulinyi created the Composition Competitions "Amizade 2006" and "Lignea 2010". Major commissions and artistic projects include the premiere of his opera Biblioteca ("Library") by Grupo Contemporâneo of University of Évora (2011), concerts for the Brazilian Embassies in Budapest, Madrid and Paris (2008) and London (2009), EMB Orchestra (2008) and Mato Grosso Opera (2007).
Paulinyi started his carrier aged 8 playing at the Opera House in Ouro Preto with the class of the violinist Ricardo Giannetti (Flesch-Odnoposoff's school). Paulinyi took masterclasses with violinists Ruggiero Ricci in Dartington (UK), Leopold La Fosse and Sidney Hart in Brazil, and composers Harry Crowl, Oscar Edelstein, Christopher Bochmann (his current supervisor at the University of Évora). Paulinyi was given the Pro-Music Trophy as "Outstanding musician" in 1998 by the press critics of Minas Gerais State; he also won the National Competition for Young Soloists in Goiânia (UFG, 2002). Paulinyi's compositions were selected twice for the Funarte Music Biennial in Rio de Janeiro (2005, 2009).
Paulinyi has a master degree in Music (historical musicology, University of Brasília, 2010). He is bachelor in Physics by the Federal University of Minas Gerais State (UFMG, 1999), where he won full scholarship from CAPES (1995-1998). Aside from his international publications since 2001, he coproduced 3 CDs with his works, including the first documentary broadcasted by television (TV Senado, 2008/9). His compositions are available through the Swiss editor MusicaNeo.
Zoltan Paulinyi also plays on a rare copy of Guadagnini's "La Parmigiana" viola pomposa, in its original set up with 5 strings. This instrument, the only one known in South America, was made by the luthier Carlos Margins del Picchia (12/2006). He plays with a H. Pfretzschner bow.
Recordings at CDs Imagens e Vibrações Variantes.
Some albums available at oneRpm, iTunes.
Bolivar Hall, London, 7 December 2009 with pianist Álvaro Siviero.
S. Benedict Monastery, Belo Horizonte, August 2011.
Aula Czerwona Palacu Dzialwynskich, Poznan, Polônia.
Stage "rider" for concerts.
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