Zoltan Paulinyi
Professor - Violin - Viola - Gregorian
— For 22 years teaching music —
Send SMS Phone: +55(61)986.534.811 <
International Meeting Pueri Choirs and musicians Brasília 2017.
Encontro Internacional de pequenos cantores Brasília 2017.
All my benefactors are constantly remembered in my prayers.
The eldest Brazilian Virtual Library of Music Scores, organized since 1996. You can contact me for:
Enroll yourself!. For all aged cadidates.
You can also donate in order to pay a scholarship for talented boys.
Dr Helene Paulinyi teaches Portuguese and Hungarian in Belo Horizonte (hmpaulinyi@yahoo.com) em Belo Horizonte. Contact: (31)986-534-811.
Translation project for the extraordinary dialogue between Jesus and the french actress Gabrielle Bossis: Lui et Moi at wikia.
Zoltan Paulinyi also plays on a rare copy of Guadagnini's "La Parmigiana" viola pomposa, in its original set up with 5 strings. Standing between the orchestra viola and the violin, it has a fifth added high E string. This instrument, the only one known in South America, was made by the luthier Carlos Margins del Picchia (12/2006). He plays with a H. Pfretzschner's bow.
Schola Cantorum Brasília (founder)
Royal Music Association RMA (founder of the students committee)
Society for Musicology in Ireland SMI (Aontas Ceoleolaíochta na Héireann)
Associação Nacional de Pesquisa e Pós-graduação em Música - ANPPOM
Competitions created and organized by Paulinyi.
CSS Web Design by Zoltan Paulinyi + Iracema Simon © 1996-2016.
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