Zoltan Paulinyi
Professor - Violin - Viola - Gregorian
— For 22 years teaching music —
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Zoltan Paulinyi releases Crowl's "Antíteses": the violinist and violist was able to drive the audience to the excitement.
- Paulinyi has a "complete mastery of the violin" and "an extraordinary capacity to endeavor complex works" – BUZELIN, Carlos. Jornal Hoje em Dia, 2. caderno, 28/10/2010.
"Wednesday [Nov. 11, 2005] marked the first appearance of the flute at the Bienal [Rio de Janeiro at Sala Cecília Meireles], with some effective and memorable compositions for the instrument (…) Perhaps the most striking piece of the evening was the extended solo work for flute, Anecdote, by Zoltan Paulinyi." by Tom Moore, November 26 (2005). Article captured on internet on December 27, 2006 at
“In the revelations field, rise pianist Marcelo Magalhães (…) and violinist Zoltan Paulinyi.” — Jornal Hoje em em Dia, Dec. 24 (2002).
“Zoltan Paulinyi rises at the classical music scenary. He is definitely a talent, whose performances impress by his virtuosity. His chronological age has nothing to do with his artistic maturity already attained. Zoltan has all qualities to become a national and international celebrity.”, Jornal Hoje em Dia, Belo Horizonte, July 9 (1996).
“Another who justifies sensibility, talent and technique is violinist Zoltan Paulinyi. He is from this new generation who, since childhood, dedicate to do good music. Together with ‘Gli Archi di Firenze’, played in the Bach's double concert. An extraordinary beautiful moment at Hotel Ouro Minas Hall […]” - Jornal Hoje em Dia, May 15 (2000).
“O Domingo Cultural promoted the first individual concert [at PIC] of Zoltan Paulinyi, a revelation at
“The last piece was a work by a young brazilian composer of hungarian family, Zoltán Paulinyi, provided with a clear and energic style.” Reggeli Ujság: Kultúra, Nov. 26 (2004), p.5.
“Paulinyi, mineiro from Belo Horizonte, is one of the most respectfully composers of National Theatre Orchestra”, Jornal de Brasília, August 3 (2004), p. 6.
“José Alencar, [President of Brasil], and [his wife] Marisa were present at National Theatre to the Symphonic Orchestra concert where Zoltan Paulini was the principal soloist. He made a big duo [concertante, of Bottesini] with Ricardo Vasconcellos at the contrabass. They were applauded standed by the audience at the end.”, Jornal Estado de Minas, May 27 (2004), Caderno Cultura, p. 3.
the violin (...)” — Jornal do Pampulha Iate Clube, April 1998.
“Paulinyi Zoltan achieve a singular success with his nice playing and beautiful music, also drawing tears from many of the audience” — Braziliai Magyar Segélyegylet - Hirado, São Paulo, Novembre 1998.
“Highlight: Zoltan Paulinyi oustanding of the year”, Jornal Hoje em Dia, Belo Horizonte, Decembre 27 (1999).
“In the second part, with much competence and warmth, the soloist Zoltan Paulinyi played the Wieniawski 2nd concert(...) I have to comment the balance and control of Paulinyi, who successfully played the virtuosistic passages. (...) At the second movement, Paulinyi showed he has a rich colourful sonority.” - ProjetoMusical.com.br, October (2002). Accessed on Nov. (2002): http://www.projetomusical.com.br/materias/index.php?pg=noticia35
“Tuned strings - Karla and Zoltan triumph in the hard mission to bring more than a hour of music for 2 solo violins”, - JMC, BRAVO! Magazine, April 2003, p. 59, about the CD “Rabeca Moderna”.
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