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zpLibrary: Java
Scientific Resource
NOTE: By downloading this software, you agree to abide by the terms of the
zpLibrary License
Download zpLibrary.
Size: 100k - version 10 / 1998. Documentation
is included. Mirror site: zpLibrary
(zpClasses are the source code), Documentation,
my complete java works with Source
Code (only for academic use, need permission for commercial use & redistribution)!
- Math: linear fit data and fractal generators
(including Weierstrass function). Calculate fractal dimension of lines. DFT
(Discrete Fourier Transform). Chaotical functions: Quadratic, Tent Map, Cubic,
cSin, cCos. You need to download the great ptplot
library in order to run my demonstration software for these functions. PTPLOT
is the most complete 2-D plotter for scientists.
- Stream: "General I/O Stream"
for scientific purposes (data analisys), which handles file and Data streams
as well. You can also mark() the ram output stream, and reset input streams!
- Sound: with "General Stream"
suport, concrete AIFF sound streams.
- Utilities: array to int, int to array,
"Notification" class which does not work with MRJ 2.0!!! (from "Java
Developers' Guide").
"zpLibrary" is a collection of some java classes which I wrote
for my own purpose. Use it as is, with NO warrities. Updates are documented
as I have time. Suggestions are always welcome (please, send them with source
code). Send improvements, comments and bug reports to paulinyi@yahoo.com . Please tell me whether
you know similar works in Java.
I beleive that evolution comes with information. And internet must be used
for information exchange, not for useless pages/pictures/applets. Sharing my
work results through the web, I hope this helps to build a better world. This
is the real purpose of internet & University.
Author: Zoltan Paulinyi ( paulinyi@yahoo.com
Homepage: http://come.to/paulinyi
=> Java Resource
Updates: not regular.
Official Java Resource: Gamelan.
Usefull links:
Software for Macintosh
These softwares were developed for Macintosh using CodeWarrior until 1998.
I was a student with my old and good Mac LCIII / 25 Mhz at home.
(219 Kbytes) - Quickly compacts and expands AIFF sound files into a special
format with name extension ".zsn". The compressed files are up
to 10 times smaller than the original ones, without loosing much quality!
And the better is the recording, better is the compression rate and also
the final result! New (v2.3): multi-channel support. (April / 98) Version
2.4 for registered users only.
to TEXT Converter1.2 (196 Kbytes) - This program exctracts the
sound data from an AIFF file and rewrites it as a text table, with time
& amplitude columns. It was especially made for the University, in
order to use the output file as a source to Fast Fourier Transform and
other applications. Source code included (CWProf 1). August / 97 (this
update fixes small bugs and improves source code).
Kbytes) - For use with any finger server, such as "Fingerd".
SimpleLogger registers the time of restart into a file called "Last
Log" in the preferences folder. Just put the program at startup folder,
and configure finger to locate "Last Log". There is no graphical
interface: it updates the file, and then it quits. (April / 97)
MusicMaker - Multiplataform development
was completely redefined, sponsored by "PROjECT z". Music files may
be available on-line. (Restarted Jan / 98)
Site address: http://soft.paulinyi.com.
e-Mail: paulinyi@yahoo.com .